Scheiba, Fabian

Fabian Scheiba studied Physics at the University of Oldenburg and finished his B.Sc. on the topic of THz based electron acceleration at CFEL/DESY in 2013. After an internship at Akustikbüro K5 GmbH and studies at TU Berlin, he changed to University of Hamburg for the Master degree. Within his Master studies he spent the winter term 15/16 in Paris at university Paris-Sud and finished with his thesis on two-dimensional spectral shearing interferometry, a method to characterize ultrashort laser pulses in the group of Franz X. Kärtner. In November 2017 he continued in the group of Franz X. Kärtner as PhD student with focus on pulse characterization, waveform synthesis and High Harmonic Generation for attosecond science.
Location: 99 / O3.107, CFEL at DESY in Hamburg