Mainz, Roland E.

Roland E. Mainz received his bachelor and diploma degree in physics from the University of Rostock in 2010 and 2013 respectively. He joined the Synthesizer Team in the Kaertner Group at CFEL in 2013 to pursue his PhD-research on high-harmonic generation driven with novel laser pulses generated by parallel parametric waveform synthesis.
The synthesizer team achieved the first demonstration of sub-cycle millijoule-level pulses generated via this unique laser technology, which e.g. allows for the direct generation of isolated attosecond pulses (IAPs) via HHG without the use of gating techniques. Furthermore, the vast range of synthesizable waveforms allows to tune the IAP-characteristics. He continued his research as a Post-Doc since 2019 and focuses on harnessing synthesized sub-cycle pulses and generated IAPs in the water-window for attosecond spectroscopy.
Interests and Activities includes: parametric waveform synthesis, attosecond timing tools and synchronization techniques, high-speed FPGA-based measurement and control systems, custom-tailored sub-cycle laser fields, generation of highly tunable isolated attosecond pulses, strong-field effects and attosecond dynamics in semiconductors, atoms and molecules.
Location: 99 / O3.113, CFEL at DESY, Hamburg