Rentschler, Christian

Christian Rentschler received his Bachelor’s degree in physics from the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) in 2017. Before starting his Master’s studies in physics with focus on quantum optics and laser physics in 2018, he worked as an intern physicist at TRUMPF GmbH in Ditzingen on micromachining of transparent materials using ultrashort pulse lasers. For his Master’s thesis, Christian worked in the group of David Hunger at KIT simulating quantum gates in optically addressable rare-earth ion qubits. He received his Master’s degree in February 2021. In June 2021 he joined the group of Franz Kärtner at CFEL as a PhD student in the Max Planck School of Photonics to pursue the research on high-efficiency multi-cycle THz generation.
Location: 99 / O3.117, CFEL at DESY, Hamburg