Gao, Chenyang

Chenyang Gao received his Bachelor's degree in Tianjin University, China in 2020. He then joined Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences as a master student, where he received his Master's degree in 2023. During his Master's project, he focused on high-power ultrafast fiber laser. In 2024 he joined the UFOX team at CFEL as a Ph.D. student. He is working on high-power fiber laser systems for HHG and THz generation.Chenyang Gao received his Bachelor's degree in Tianjin University, China in 2020. He then joined Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences as a master student, where he received his Master's degree in 2023. During his Master's project, he focused on high-power ultrafast fiber laser. In 2024 he joined the UFOX team at CFEL as a Ph.D. student. He is working on high-power fiber laser systems for HHG and THz generation.
Location: 25d / 011A , CFEL at DESY in Hamburg