Edelmann, Marvin

Marvin Edelmann joined the UFOX-group in 2019 for his Bachelor thesis aimed at the development of mode-locked fiber oscillators. In addition, he started to work in the laser department of the DESY Spin-off company Cycle GmbH, mainly focusing on the development of high-power rare-earth doped fiber laser systems and ultra-low noise oscillators. After he graduated in 2020 with a Bachelor of Engineering in physical engineering at the University of Applied Science and Art in Göttingen, he started his Master degree in engineering physics at the University of Oldenburg next to his work at Cycle GmbH. In 2021, he returned to the UFOX-group in order to intensify his work on ultra-low noise nonlinear fiber systems and noise suppression of mode-locked lasers in the context of his Master thesis.
Location: 99 / O3.XX, CFEL at DESY in Hamburg