- F. Ö. Ilday and F. X. Kärtner, “Cavity-enhanced optical parametric chirped-pulse amplification with nonlinearity management”, Opt. Lett. 31, 637 (2006).
- A. Winter, F. Ö. Ilday, O. D. Mücke, R. Ell, H. Schlarb, P. Schmüser, and F. X. Kärtner, “Towards high-performance optical master oscillators for energy recovery linacs”, Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A 557, 299 (2006).
- L. Matos, O. D. Mücke, J. Chen, and F. X. Kärtner, “Carrier-envelope phase dynamics and noise analysis in octave-spanning Ti:sapphire lasers”, Opt. Express 14, 2497 (2006).
- F. X. Kärtner, S. Akiyama, G. Barbastathis, T. Barwicz, H. Byun, D. T. Danielson, F. Gan, F. Grawert, C. W. Holzwarth, J. L. Hoyt, E. P. Ippen, M. Kim, L. C. Kimerling, J. Liu, J. Michel, O. O. Olubuyide, J. S. Orcutt, M. Park, M. Perrott, M. A. Popović, P. T. Rakich, R. J. Ram, H. I. Smith, and M. R. Watts, “Electronic Photonic Integrated Circuits for High Speed, High Resolution Analog to Digital Conversion”, Proceedings of SPIE Conference Photonic West, San Jose, January 2006.
- A. Gordon, C. Jirauschek, and F. X. Kärtner, “Numerical solver of the time dependent Schrödinger equation with Coulomb singularities”, Phys. Rev. A 73, 042505 (2006).
- Ch. Jirauschek and F. X. Kärtner, “Gaussian pulse dynamics in gain media with Kerr nonlinearity”, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 23, 1776-1784, (2006).
- A. Gordon, F. X. Kärtner, N. Rohringer, and R. Santra, “Role of many-electron dynamics in high harmonic generation”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 96, 223902 (2006).
- J. R. Birge and F. X. Kärtner, “Efficient analytic computation of dispersion from multilayer structures”, Applied Optics, 45, 1478 (2006).
- J. R. Birge, R. Ell and F. X. Kärtner, “Two-dimensional spectral shearing interferometry for few-cycle pulse characterization”, Optics Letters, 31, 2063 (2006).
- M. A. Popovic, T. Barwicz, M. R. Watts, P. T. Rakich, L. Socci, E. Ippen, F. X. Kärtner and H. I. Smith, “Multistage high-order microring-resonator add-drop filters”, Optics Letters 31 (17), 2571-2573 (2006) .
- M. A. Popovic, E. Ippen and F. X. Kärtner, H. I. Smith, “Universally balanced interferometers”, Opt. Lett. 31, (18), 2713-2715 (2006).
- R. Ell, J. R. Birge, M. Araghchini and F. X. Kärtner, “Carrier-envelope phase control by a composite plate”, Optics Express 14, 5829-36 (2006).
- T. Binhammer, E. Rittweger, U. Morgner, R. Ell, and F.X. Kärtner, “Spectral phase control and temporal superresolution toward the single-cycle pulse”, Optics Letters, 31: (10), 1552-55 (2006).
- J. Kim, F. X. Kärtner, F. Ludwig, “Balanced optical–microwave phase detectors for optoelectronic phase-locked loops”, Optics Letters, Vol. 31, Issue 24, pp. 3659-3661 (2006).
- A. Gordon, O. Gat, B. Fischer and F. X. Kärtner, “Self-starting of passive mode locking”, Optics Express 14:(23), 11142-54 (2006).